Welcome To
| Vision (愿景)
To be the leading education institution in the region collaborating with students, staff, faculty, and our community to deliver high skills education in culinary art and prepare students for career that positively impact society, both locally and globally.
成為首要領先的教育機構, 與學生, 教職員工, 教師和社區合作, 提倡高素質的技職教育, 為學生在本地和全球的社會做出貢獻.
| Mission (使命)
We are advocates of education , committed to a climate of high quality lecturer, relevant theory and practical classroom content delivered by quality equipment with strong credentials and demonstrated industry expertise.
我們是教育的倡導者, 致力於通過高質量的設備和高素質的講師, 相關理論和實踐課堂模拟, 備有強大的資歷和專業知識.
| Background (背景)
- Established in year 1999 as Aunty Lee Cake House
- In year 2009, name changed to Fantastic Pastry Academy and located in Ipoh Garden East (Medan Ipoh Bistari) & became an
approved training center for City of Sunderland College (UK) & approved training center of City & Guilds (UK) - In year 2011, received recognition from one of top Scotland colleges as Asia Pacific International partner
- In year 2017, from Ipoh Garden East (Medan Ipoh Bistari) relocation to the new campus building at IGB Industrial Zone Tasek, Ipoh
- 設立於1999年, 當時是 Aunty Lee 蛋糕屋
- 名稱於2009年, 改為 Fantastic Pastry Academy 正式成立為學院, 地點位于怡保花園東區 (Medan Ipoh Bistari). 同年, 成為英國桑德蘭市批准培訓中心學院以及成為英國倫敦城市行業協會認可培訓中心
- 2011年, 獲得蘇格蘭頂尖大學之一認可為亞太國際合作夥伴
- 2017年, 由舊院址位于怡保花園東區 (Medan Ipoh Bistari) 搬遷到新學院至怡保他昔IGB工業區
| Why Choose Us (為何選擇我們)
- Professional Skills Training Institutions
- More Than 10 Years of Technical Teaching Experience
- Conducive Learning Environment
- Latest Teaching & Learning Methodology
- Teaching in Bilingual Language (70% Practice & 30% Theory)
- Financial Aids Available (PTPK Loan is provided by the Government)
- Career Guidance & Job Placement
- Competition Opportunities For Student
- Accommodation Arrangement For Outstation Student
- Double Diploma Certificates (Internal & External)
- Internal : The Malaysia Recognition of SKM Certification
- External : International Partners of City & Guilds & West College Scotland
- 專業技能培訓機構
- 超過十年以上技能教學經驗
- 優越設施的學習環境
- 最新教學方案和學習模式
- 中英雙語教課 (70%實踐操作 30%理論教學)
- 政府貸學金 (PTPK Loan)
- 職業指導和就業安置
- 學生有機會參加國際廚藝比賽
- 外坡學生宿舍安排
- 國内外専業技術雙文慿証書學位
- 國内 : 馬來西亞SKM技術證書
- 國外 : 英國倫敦城市行業協會和英國西蘇格蘭學院的國際合作夥伴
About Us (簡介)
Fantastic Pastry Academy was established to share knowledge and skills to the
public. The academy is committed to providing well-rounded, hands-on, career
focused education in the areas of pastry art, creativity and restaurant management.
Students are introduced to use a combination of culinary ability and creativity in
baking, decoration, and flavoring with ingredients. Our programs are according to
the international syllabus to prepare students to compete in the local and
international market and begin their career path to achieving professional chef
status. Students are introduced to the art of making specialty breads or cakes, pies,
pastries, they are presented with skills in advanced decoration and design, and
they are given an overview of the operation of commercial kitchen, hygiene, menu
costing and planning, health and safety.
Fantastic 學院的成立, 首要以分享知識和技能向大眾推廣, 并致力於提供全面手藝實踐, 不断在藝術, 創意和餐廳管理, 提高强化教育知識.
學生運用課程的理論實踐並重原理, 提升自己創造力, 組合成各式各樣的烘焙理料, 裝飾和配料調味.
我們的課程計劃是根據國際教學大綱, 以準備學生在本地餐飲業或國際市場服务, 並開啟他們的職業道路, 實現學生成为一名專業廚師.
學生概述了食品科學與營養, 成本核算, 材料選擇, 專用術語, 食品衛生, 廚房安全, 食物準備與管理監督, 以及工作崗位的分配.

Programmes (課程)

Patisserie | Culinary Arts (烘焙 / 烹飪)
– 1. SKM Certificate in Pastry Production
(6 Months Study)
– 2. SKM & Diploma in Patisserie
(9 Months Study + 3 Months Internship)
– 3. SKM & Advanced Diploma in Patisserie
(15 Months Study + 3 Months Internship)
– 4. SKM & Diploma in Culinary Arts
(9 Months Study + 3 Months Internship)
– 5. SKM & Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts
(15 Months Study + 3 Months Internship)
– Mixed Varieties 烘焙糕點
– Cake 蛋糕
– Cookies 餅乾
– Bread Loaves & Varieties 麵包
– Barista Course 咖啡

Malaysia Recognition :

International Partners :